Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

My Funny Story

Hello, friends.
Welcome again to my blog.
Well, today i would like to share my funny experience.

One year ago, when i was sitting at the Church on Sunday night and listening to preach who is delivering some speech. I was getting cold by the air conditioner right in my left side. The temperature of the air conditioner was too cold. Usually, when i get cold, i always go to toilet to take a pee. Unfortunately, i'm a shy person. It took a lot of thought to pass people who sat in the back. That time was beyond my expectation. I can't even hold myself to take a pee like usually. So, i walked fast with my head down and eyes looking straight down to floor. I was walking so fast until i didn't realize that there is a big plasma TV right in front of my head. Suddenly, there is a feeling of hit the continued with hurt. Yeah, silly me. I hit the TV so hard. I was too shame of what was happened because people staring at me and with responds like ,"Oh, Dear. Are you okay?". Honnestly, they gave a good respond but i was too shame. So, i didn;t go to toilet. I was going straight and fast to motorcycle park. Then, i went home so quick with a thought of shame and funny at the same time. Oh, what a crazy day?

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